Posted in Growth
If you're a low-to-middle income earner, the government may help boost your super savings through the super co-contribution.
The ATO uses the information on your tax return and the contribution information received from your super fund to work out whether you’re eligible. If you are, the ATO will calculate the co-contribution amount and deposit it into your super account.
The 2014 financial year has a matching rate of 50% to a maximum of $500; m...
It must be from a respected source, and balanced against your own knowledge and instincts.
But seeking advice brings many rewards: it honours the giver; it enhances the receiver; it creates perspective.
'Wise men don't need advice. Fools won't take it' Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Cultivate customer relationships and watch your business thrive.
Word of mouth is still the most powerful form of advertising – a cliché perhaps, but true all the same.
Relationship marketing can be vital in creating customer loyalty. It is important to ensure that the customer has the best possible experience every time they come through the door or have contact with the business.
It is much more difficult and expensive to acquire a cus...